API Reference


class avocato.Serializer(instance=None, many=False, data=None, **kwargs)

Base class for custom object serializers.

Serializer can be used as a Field to create nested schemas. A serializer is defined by subclassing Serializer and adding each Field as a class variable:


class MyObject(object):
    bar = 2
    baz = 'hello'

class FooSerializer(Serializer):
    bar = IntField()
    baz = StrField()

obj = MyObject()
# {'bar': 2, 'baz': 'hello'}

Get the serialized data from the Serializer.

The data will be cached for future accesses.


Checks wether data passes validation.

Returns True if all validations were successful on all fields, otherwise returns False.


Populates an instance with data

If doesn’t exists, it creates a new one and populates it. If it already exists, it updates fields with new data.

class avocato.DictSerializer(instance=None, many=False, data=None, **kwargs)

Base class for custom dict serializers.


class FooSerializer(DictSerializer):
    bar = IntField()
    baz = StrField()

obj = {'bar': 2, 'baz': 'hello'}
# {'bar': 2, 'baz': 'hello'}


class avocato.Field(attr=None, label=None, required=True, validators=None, call=False, is_create_field=True, is_update_field=True)

Field handles converting between primitive values and internal datatypes. It also deals with validating input values.

  • attr (str) – The attribute to get on the object. If this is not supplied, the name this field was assigned to on the serializer will be used.
  • label (str) – A label to use as the name of the serialized field instead of using the attribute name of the field.
  • required (bool) – Whether the field is required.
  • validators (list) – List of validators to run when calling .is_valid() method on the serializer.
  • call (bool) – Whether the value should be called after it is retrieved from the object. Useful if an object has a method to be serialized.
  • is_create_field (bool) – Whether the field is used to populate the instance when creating a new object via to_instance method on the serializer.
  • call – Whether the field is used to populate the instance when updating an object via to_instance method on the serializer.
class avocato.StrField(**kwargs)

Converts input value to string.

  • max_length (int) – Maximum lenght of the string. If present, adds a validator for max lenght which will be run when is_valid method on the serializer is called.
  • min_length (int) – Minimum lenght of the string. If present, adds a validator for min lenght which will be run when is_valid method on the serializer is called.
  • choices (list) – Available choices. If present, adds a validator that checks if value is present in choices and will be run when is_valid method on the serializer is called.
class avocato.EmailField(**kwargs)

Converts input value to email.

class avocato.IntField(attr=None, label=None, required=True, validators=None, call=False, is_create_field=True, is_update_field=True)

Converts input value to integer.

class avocato.FloatField(attr=None, label=None, required=True, validators=None, call=False, is_create_field=True, is_update_field=True)

Converts input value to float.

class avocato.BoolField(attr=None, label=None, required=True, validators=None, call=False, is_create_field=True, is_update_field=True)

Converts input value to bool.

class avocato.DecimalField(attr=None, label=None, required=True, validators=None, call=False, is_create_field=True, is_update_field=True)

Converts input value to string, so it accurately shows decimal numbers.

class avocato.DateTimeField(attr=None, label=None, required=True, validators=None, call=False, is_create_field=True, is_update_field=True)

Converts input value to ISO format date.

class avocato.DictField(attr=None, label=None, required=True, validators=None, call=False, is_create_field=True, is_update_field=True)

Converts input value to dict.

class avocato.MethodField(method=None, **kwargs)

Calls a method on the Serializer to get the value.


class avocato.Validator

Base class for validators.

class avocato.Required(message=None)

Validates if value is set.

Raises exception if value is empty or None

class avocato.Email(message=None)

Validates if value is in valid email format

class avocato.Length(min_length=None, max_length=None, message=None, equal=None)

Validates if value is correct size.

class avocato.OneOf(choices, message=None)

Validates if the value is one of the choices.

class avocato.OneOfType(choices, message=None)

Validates if value type is one of the choices.


class avocato.AvocatoError

Base avocato exception.

class avocato.AvocatoValidationError(message, field_names=None, data=None, valid_data=None, **kwargs)

Exception used for validating values.